Tonight on the show we`re gonna do a recap of the big race at NFS. We`ll have the winner of the AllStar Series race Michael Davis . Michael is the first All Star competitor to win two races in the series. We will also have on the show for his first time on, an AllStar competitor Justin Bridges. Justin was hand picked by Carolyn to come on and tell us a little about his racing expierance sat night at NFS. Also on the show tonight making a return with us is Mr Kyle Chappell driver of the #66 limited latemodel. Kyle won his feature race sat night and we`ll have a little talk to him about his big weekend win. Also I have two more hood scoops from Russell Brown race cars to give away tonight so y`all be sure to tune in @7:05 on 92.1 talk radio or listen live on the net by going to call in at 229- 259-9210